Go365 Brand Launch

How might we boost member wellness with a new brand?







Humana UX + Sapient



The HumanaVitality wellness rewards program had been rebranded as Go365. The new brand provided an opportunity to build a new web application and update existing native apps allowing Go365 members to earn points for being active participants in their health and wellness.

I lead the Humana team partnering with Sapient to bring this new brand to life thru a new design system and then lead the Humana teams creating the new web experience leveraging this system. 


How’d we do it?


The Team

UX Lead
Content Strategy Lead
Project Manager
Accessibility Lead
2 Interaction Designers

4 Pairs (UX Designer & Writer)
UX Researcher
Front End Team
Back End Teams
Agency UX Team 

The Problem

Start with an existing wellness rewards program, discover problem areas and success areas in that program for current users, improve what’s not working, and apply a new brand to a new website on a new platform, app and digital marketing materials. Lay a foundation for future constant improvement.

Humana members with Go365 access who engage in all levels of activity

The Users

The Process

  1. Discovery Research (stakeholder interviews, user interviews)

  2. Content Audit

  3. Architectural Research (Card Sorts, Tree Tests)

  4. Concept Generation 

  5. Concept Usability Testing

  6. Template & Component Creation

  7. Sectional build out

  8. Accessibility Audit

  9. Usability Testing 

  10. Refinement

The Solution

  • Design System

    • Initial templates and components for web application

    • Improvements to templates and components

    • Styles for update to iOS and Android apps

  • Web app experience

  • iOS and Android app re-skinning and improvement

The Learnings

  • Everyone’s definitions of “healthy” and “wellness” are different. Some people’s marathon is walking up stairs.

  • People are less incentivized to accomplish tasks than business stakeholders. Keep it real.

  • Working with an agency is definitely different than being on the agency team. Seeing both sides for the first time was eye opening.

  • Managing scope creep within an in-house team is challenging but important when working in waterfall.

  • Run-the-channel is mindset needed for sustained improvement. Not run-the-projects.