
How might we reimagine as a senior-friendly experience?






Humana UX + FCB



I lead the Humana UX team to undergo a complete redesign of into a user-centered experience for Medicare prospects and members. This initiative was the #1 Blue Chip initiative for Humana in 2017 -2018.


How’d we do it?


The Team

Project Sponsor
UX Lead < That’s me!
Content Lead
Content Strategy Lead
Project Manager
Accessibility Lead
2 UX Researchers

3 Interaction Designers
8 Designer/Writer teams
3 Front End Teams
2 Back End Teams
Sitecore SMEs
Agency UX Team

The Problem

Over several years, had become a sprawling 3,800 page site living on several platforms, lacking page ownership, using multiple design systems with content that was time consuming to update. The user experience lacked focus and clear content strategy. It was time for a reset.

Target 1: Seniors aging into Medicare – learning about or shopping for Medicare coverage.
Target 2: Medicare members looking to use their plans.
Secondary: Business managers shopping for group insurance.
Secondary: Providers working with Humana.
Secondary: Agents interested in offering Humana.

The Users

The Process

  1. Discovery Research (stakeholder interviews, user interviews, member interviews, clickstream data analysis)

  2. Content Audit

  3. Architectural Research (Card Sorts, Tree Tests)

  4. Concept Generation 

  5. Brand Impression Testing

  6. Concept Usability Testing

  7. Photoshoot

  8. Iconography

  9. Template & Component Creation

  10. Template & Component Performance Testing

  11. Accessibility Audit

  12. Content Refinement and Migration 

  13. Usability Testing 

  14. Refinement

The Solution

  • Sitecore CMS on Azure cloud

  • 900 page experience

  • Design System
    - Initial 14 templates and 60+ components designed
    - Article Repository templates and components
    - Marketing templates and components
    - Improvements to templates and components

  • Governance framework

  • Behavioral Marketing and Personalization framework

The Learnings

  • 3,800 pages is a lot of pages!

  • The majority of our return users are members who want to sign in quickly

  • Designing a template system for use by non-technical authors means limiting the flexibility of the template system. This is a detriment to designers.

  • Creating an initial foundation for behavioral marketing can be daunting. Just dive in and experiment.

  • {air quotes} “Agile” is not truly Agile. Be sure to have alignment across UX and Dev teams on the working framework. Lay good ground rules and set expectations early (and re-confirm them often).